recently scrapped

I haven't posted my recent layouts in a while. Whoa!!! A LONNNNG while. I just went back to see when the last time I spammed you with my layouts and I think it was like 4 months ago. Can that be true? I guess I just kept putting it off not realizing how much time had passed. Well, I won't post ALL of the layouts I've done in the past 4 months, but let's share some - shall we? (click on all layouts to enlarge)

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Ok - I think that's more than enough pages for today. Thanks for wading through my layout spam. (Ummm did you notice only 2 out of the 15 pages I just posted were Disney! What?! TWO?!! Haha. So unlike me!)

I think I'm going to make my goal of 100 Layouts scrapped this year. I'm already at 78 and there's still 4 more months left to scrap in 2012! *HAPPY DANCE!*

OK, I think I'll dance on outta here. Ta ta for now.

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