you still have time

Just a quick reminder that you have until midnight tonight to participate in my MouseScrapper's Challenge and get this fun mini-kit as your prize!!

I've been FLOORED by the number of layouts that have been submitted! It's so exciting. And I hope to see lots more before midnight tonight!!

Guess where I get to go in an hour! The DENTIST!! Can you believe its been 6 months since my initial cleaning where I found out I'd have to get a root canal and all that work done? Time flies. Today's my cleaning and check up. Cross your fingers I get a clean bill of teeth health today.

And last but not least. Start getting excited for this weekend. ScrapMatters is having a very awesome Black Friday Sale!!!

I'm totally an online Black Friday shopper. No early morning crazy shopping for me. Thanks, I'll pass! But online deals do get me excited!!!!

Alrighty - that's it from me today.

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